Each of these messages is copy and pasted from the NC's on the board in the Infirmary
Herbs you can find easily in the Infirmary:
-Sip root. A plant whose roots, when chewed, act as a natural contraceptive. Injested in this raw form, it is effective for three or four months.
-Brak bush. A shrub whose leaves induce vomiting when chewed.
-Honey. Antibacterial and antifungal, may be applied to wounds to promote healing.
-Laxative. Derivation unknown. Perhaps one of the plants below?
-Mud. Create poultices to cool and reduce swelling.
-Cinnamon. A stimulant which enables other herbal remedies to work faster; blood purifier; antibiotic properties; digestion aid; menstrual cramps; diarrhea treatment.
-Clover. Nerve tonic, sedative; treatment for coughs, bronchitis and wheezing; treatment of skin eruptions.
-Cloves. The oil can be used to ease toothaches; poultice to treat those with cold extremities; promote sweating with fevers, cold and flu; remedy for whooping cough; relieving vomiting during pregnancy.
-Festal. A shrub used to combat indigestion, dyspepsia, liver diseases, inflammatory diseases of stomach or bowels. Side effects include allergic reactions, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pains, increased uric acid in the blood.
-Garlic. Treats asthma, suppresses coughs, dysentery; antiseptic (diluted with water can be applied to wounds); the oil can be made into lotions and ointments; diaphoretic and diuretic; lowers blood pressure; prevents angina; aids in lethargy; helps remove blemishes from the skin, ceases pain in scars; relieves menstral cramps and constipation.
-Lichens. Laxative; used in treatment of liver complaints; antifungal.
-Mint. Relieves colic and intestinal gas; promotes digestion; stops vomiting; antibacterial and antiviral properties; breath-enhancer; headache relief; used in the ease of childbirth; eases sore mouths and gums.
-Mushrooms. Used as a poultice to treat boils, abcesses and other inflammatory swellings.
-Nutmeg. Nervous disorders; poor circulation; relieves nausea; aids in indigestion.
-Onion. Antiseptic properties; alleviate gas pains; reduce hypertension; reduce cholesterol; increase sperm; kill intestinal worms; expectorant; diuretic.
-Peach. Treatment of baldness; aphrodesiac properties; laxative, sedative and expectorant properties; treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and gastritis, cystitis and tenderness of bladder (stimulates urine flow).
-Pear. Treatment of colitis, hypertension, constipation and skin eruptions.
-Plum. Leaves boiled make an excellent mouthwash and gargle; leaves boiled treats ringworm and other fungal skin infections; laxative; treatment of dyspepsia, obesity and skin eruptions.
-Pomegranate. Anthelmintic, teniafuge, astringent, antidiarrheal, antidysenteric, and depurative; used in the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, pyorrhea, tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
-Pumpkin. Used in the making of emulsions, for the treatment of such things as tapeworm, as wel as an expectorant (for treatment of the common cold).
-Sedge. Treatment of dyspepsia, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, ague, fever; stimulant and anti-emetic properties.
-Spikenard. Stimulant, diaphoretic, alterative for syphilitic, cutaneous and rheumatic cases, and used in same manner and dosage as genuine Sarsaparilla. Much used also for pulmonary affections, and enters into the compound syrup of Spikenard.. Ointments are made of this herb for easing arthritic joints, as well as an inhalant to clear congestion.
-Tospit. An excellent source of Vitamin C, they prevent nutritional deficiencies in seamen.
-Willow Bark - basis of Earth aspirin, analgesic pain killer no stronger than aspirin and with same properties.
- Valerian - mild sedative, brewed as tea, not strong enough to be habit forming nor to do more than put someone into a normal sleep they would wake from normally.
-Aloe Vera - used for burns, and as a laxative, very bitter to drink
-Marigold and marigold oil - used as an antiseptic to fight simple infections
-Lavendar - used for cleaning and as a mild antiseptic. Oil of lavendar good for bug bites or mild skin irritations to stop the itch.
These are the ONLY herbs/medicines that are NOT UNDER LOCK AND KEY.